Russian mafia 'would win from Cyprus bailout'
Wealthy Russians, including mafiosi , would most benefit from an EU bailout to Cyprus, Der Spiegel magazine reported Monday, quoting a German intelligence agency report. "The BND report shows who will profit most from the billions in European taxpayer funds -Russian oligarchs, businesspeople and mafiosi who have parked their illegal earnings in Cyprus," the magazine said. The magazine reported that a large number of Russian businessmen have placed large sums of money in Cypriot banks, attracted by lower tax rates, even if Cyprus has shed its reputation as a tax haven since joining the EU in 2004. In total, around €20 billion ($26 billion) was deposited in Cyprus in 2011 by Russian oligarchs, which is more than the island nation's gross domestic product of €17.8 billion, the BND report found. These deposits will be guaranteed if a European bailout is approved to shore up the island's banks. The BND, Germany's federal intelligence service, also ...