
Showing posts from November 27, 2012

Jaipur: Land mafia use 'royal connection' to grab prime plots

Jaipur: The land mafia in the city is using ' royal connection' to grab prime localities in the city, reports claim. According to reports, the Jaipur police in reeling under complaints from people , who accused the land mafia is claiming their ownership over the land, insisting that the particular piece of land was allotted to their ancestors by the royal family of Jaipur . They are even producing fake land deeds and forged signatures of erstwhile rulers to take the victim into confidence, reports said. The issue came to light after a caretaker lodged an FIR against five people at Vaishali Nagar police station. In his FIR report, the caretaker of Pungalia farm stated that some musclemen barged into the farm house on November 9 and vandalized the area. The caretaker added that the men claimed that the farm was gifted to one Baal Singh i

Alleged `mafia wife` gets bond reduced

New Orleans, La. -Prosecutors say she's a self-proclaimed " mafia wife " who is involved in covering up criminal activities in two of the city's most violent gangs. Her attorney says she's a 17-year-old schoolgirl who should be given a reasonable bond. An Orleans criminal judge has now decided the issue. From the U.S. Attorney to the mayor to the police chief, we've seen a full court press in efforts to crack down on gang violence . Monday, that effort ran into some trouble, with a young woman with alleged ties to gangs involved in the murders of innocent children. 17-year-old Ja-on Jones went before Orleans Criminal Judge Laurie White in an effort to get her $650,000 bond reduced. Prosecutors intent on cracking down on gang violence produced an Instagram photo from the defendant, in which she poses with an alleged gang member armed with a gun and labels herself a " mafia wife ." Prosecutors say Jones lied 13 times to a grand jur